The 2017 Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting (TRB2017) is introduced and reviewed with the focuses of new progresses and trends of studies on pedestrian traffic and intelligent transportation.The executive framework of TRB, organization of TRB annual meeting, as well as categorization of research fields in the annual meeting are introduced.For a research area of pedestrian traffic, the works of 6 relevant TRB (sub-) standing committees, including but not limited to "Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics", "Emergency Evacuations", and "Pedestrians", etc., are summarized.Studies on pedestrian traffic are systematically reviewed and categorized into 4 topics, including crowd dynamics, emergency evacuations, road pedestrian traffics, and passenger services and safety.For a research area of intelligent transportation, the works of 3 relevant TRB standing committees, including "Intelligent Transportation Systems", "The Role of Automated and Connected Vehicles", and "Vehicle-highway Automation", are summarized.Studies on intelligent transportation are systematically reviewed and categorized into 2 topics, including effects of intelligent transportation on driving safety and effects of intelligent vehicle infrastructure cooperative systems (IVICS) on transportation efficiency and environment.