Safety Protection Technology for Dangerous Goods Transportation Process

Dangerous goods transportation is the focus of prevention and control in China's road transportation industry. The research on the dangerous goods transportation process and its safety supervision have a weak basis, which has attracted the attention of experts and scholars. The Ministry of Transport of China accelerated the construction of a road safety monitoring system for dangerous goods in March 2017, which will be completed by 2020, further promoting the progress of basic research such as the dangerous goods transportation process. To better serve our country's research work on dangerous goods transportation and introduce Chinese research results and practical experience in the field of dangerous goods transportation, “Journal of Transport Information and Safety” plans to organize a column on "safety protection technology for dangerous goods transportation process". Professor Wei Zhou, Director of the Automobile Transportation Research Center of Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport, Professor Chaozhong Wu, Vice President of Wuhan University of Technology and Professor Dalin Qian (Guest Editor) of Beijing Jiaotong University are invited as chief editors of this column.

Guest Editor Column Index

Guest Editors of Column

Wei Zhou, Researcher, Automobile Transportation Research Center of Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport.

Chaozhong Wu, Professor, Wuhan University of Technology.

Dalin Qian, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University.


Column Contributors

Chunxiao Ren, Associate Researcher, Automobile Transportation Research Center of Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport.

Xuewen Zhang, Associate Researcher, Automobile Transportation Research Center of Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport.

Hui Zhang, Associate Researcher, Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology.


Column topics (not limited to the following directions)

l  Mechanism and features of dangerous goods transportation accidents.

l  Driving behavior risk evaluation of dangerous goods transportation.

l  Vehicle safety prevention and control technology of dangerous goods transportation.

l  Supervision technology for the safe operation of dangerous goods transportation vehicles